pub trait Float: Num + Copy + NumCast + PartialOrd + Neg<Output = Self> {
Show 58 methods fn nan() -> Self; fn infinity() -> Self; fn neg_infinity() -> Self; fn neg_zero() -> Self; fn min_value() -> Self; fn min_positive_value() -> Self; fn max_value() -> Self; fn is_nan(self) -> bool; fn is_infinite(self) -> bool; fn is_finite(self) -> bool; fn is_normal(self) -> bool; fn classify(self) -> FpCategory; fn floor(self) -> Self; fn ceil(self) -> Self; fn round(self) -> Self; fn trunc(self) -> Self; fn fract(self) -> Self; fn abs(self) -> Self; fn signum(self) -> Self; fn is_sign_positive(self) -> bool; fn is_sign_negative(self) -> bool; fn mul_add(self, a: Self, b: Self) -> Self; fn recip(self) -> Self; fn powi(self, n: i32) -> Self; fn powf(self, n: Self) -> Self; fn sqrt(self) -> Self; fn exp(self) -> Self; fn exp2(self) -> Self; fn ln(self) -> Self; fn log(self, base: Self) -> Self; fn log2(self) -> Self; fn log10(self) -> Self; fn max(self, other: Self) -> Self; fn min(self, other: Self) -> Self; fn abs_sub(self, other: Self) -> Self; fn cbrt(self) -> Self; fn hypot(self, other: Self) -> Self; fn sin(self) -> Self; fn cos(self) -> Self; fn tan(self) -> Self; fn asin(self) -> Self; fn acos(self) -> Self; fn atan(self) -> Self; fn atan2(self, other: Self) -> Self; fn sin_cos(self) -> (Self, Self); fn exp_m1(self) -> Self; fn ln_1p(self) -> Self; fn sinh(self) -> Self; fn cosh(self) -> Self; fn tanh(self) -> Self; fn asinh(self) -> Self; fn acosh(self) -> Self; fn atanh(self) -> Self; fn integer_decode(self) -> (u64, i16, i8); fn epsilon() -> Self { ... } fn to_degrees(self) -> Self { ... } fn to_radians(self) -> Self { ... } fn copysign(self, sign: Self) -> Self { ... }
Expand description

Generic trait for floating point numbers

This trait is only available with the std feature, or with the libm feature otherwise.

Required methods

Returns the NaN value.

use num_traits::Float;

let nan: f32 = Float::nan();


Returns the infinite value.

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f32;

let infinity: f32 = Float::infinity();

assert!(infinity > f32::MAX);

Returns the negative infinite value.

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f32;

let neg_infinity: f32 = Float::neg_infinity();

assert!(neg_infinity < f32::MIN);

Returns -0.0.

use num_traits::{Zero, Float};

let inf: f32 = Float::infinity();
let zero: f32 = Zero::zero();
let neg_zero: f32 = Float::neg_zero();

assert_eq!(zero, neg_zero);
assert_eq!(7.0f32/inf, zero);
assert_eq!(zero * 10.0, zero);

Returns the smallest finite value that this type can represent.

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f64;

let x: f64 = Float::min_value();

assert_eq!(x, f64::MIN);

Returns the smallest positive, normalized value that this type can represent.

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f64;

let x: f64 = Float::min_positive_value();

assert_eq!(x, f64::MIN_POSITIVE);

Returns the largest finite value that this type can represent.

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f64;

let x: f64 = Float::max_value();
assert_eq!(x, f64::MAX);

Returns true if this value is NaN and false otherwise.

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f64;

let nan = f64::NAN;
let f = 7.0;


Returns true if this value is positive infinity or negative infinity and false otherwise.

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f32;

let f = 7.0f32;
let inf: f32 = Float::infinity();
let neg_inf: f32 = Float::neg_infinity();
let nan: f32 = f32::NAN;



Returns true if this number is neither infinite nor NaN.

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f32;

let f = 7.0f32;
let inf: f32 = Float::infinity();
let neg_inf: f32 = Float::neg_infinity();
let nan: f32 = f32::NAN;



Returns true if the number is neither zero, infinite, subnormal, or NaN.

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f32;

let min = f32::MIN_POSITIVE; // 1.17549435e-38f32
let max = f32::MAX;
let lower_than_min = 1.0e-40_f32;
let zero = 0.0f32;


// Values between `0` and `min` are Subnormal.

Returns the floating point category of the number. If only one property is going to be tested, it is generally faster to use the specific predicate instead.

use num_traits::Float;
use std::num::FpCategory;
use std::f32;

let num = 12.4f32;
let inf = f32::INFINITY;

assert_eq!(num.classify(), FpCategory::Normal);
assert_eq!(inf.classify(), FpCategory::Infinite);

Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number.

use num_traits::Float;

let f = 3.99;
let g = 3.0;

assert_eq!(f.floor(), 3.0);
assert_eq!(g.floor(), 3.0);

Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a number.

use num_traits::Float;

let f = 3.01;
let g = 4.0;

assert_eq!(f.ceil(), 4.0);
assert_eq!(g.ceil(), 4.0);

Returns the nearest integer to a number. Round half-way cases away from 0.0.

use num_traits::Float;

let f = 3.3;
let g = -3.3;

assert_eq!(f.round(), 3.0);
assert_eq!(g.round(), -3.0);

Return the integer part of a number.

use num_traits::Float;

let f = 3.3;
let g = -3.7;

assert_eq!(f.trunc(), 3.0);
assert_eq!(g.trunc(), -3.0);

Returns the fractional part of a number.

use num_traits::Float;

let x = 3.5;
let y = -3.5;
let abs_difference_x = (x.fract() - 0.5).abs();
let abs_difference_y = (y.fract() - (-0.5)).abs();

assert!(abs_difference_x < 1e-10);
assert!(abs_difference_y < 1e-10);

Computes the absolute value of self. Returns Float::nan() if the number is Float::nan().

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f64;

let x = 3.5;
let y = -3.5;

let abs_difference_x = (x.abs() - x).abs();
let abs_difference_y = (y.abs() - (-y)).abs();

assert!(abs_difference_x < 1e-10);
assert!(abs_difference_y < 1e-10);


Returns a number that represents the sign of self.

  • 1.0 if the number is positive, +0.0 or Float::infinity()
  • -1.0 if the number is negative, -0.0 or Float::neg_infinity()
  • Float::nan() if the number is Float::nan()
use num_traits::Float;
use std::f64;

let f = 3.5;

assert_eq!(f.signum(), 1.0);
assert_eq!(f64::NEG_INFINITY.signum(), -1.0);


Returns true if self is positive, including +0.0, Float::infinity(), and since Rust 1.20 also Float::nan().

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f64;

let neg_nan: f64 = -f64::NAN;

let f = 7.0;
let g = -7.0;


Returns true if self is negative, including -0.0, Float::neg_infinity(), and since Rust 1.20 also -Float::nan().

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f64;

let nan: f64 = f64::NAN;

let f = 7.0;
let g = -7.0;


Fused multiply-add. Computes (self * a) + b with only one rounding error, yielding a more accurate result than an unfused multiply-add.

Using mul_add can be more performant than an unfused multiply-add if the target architecture has a dedicated fma CPU instruction.

use num_traits::Float;

let m = 10.0;
let x = 4.0;
let b = 60.0;

// 100.0
let abs_difference = (m.mul_add(x, b) - (m*x + b)).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Take the reciprocal (inverse) of a number, 1/x.

use num_traits::Float;

let x = 2.0;
let abs_difference = (x.recip() - (1.0/x)).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Raise a number to an integer power.

Using this function is generally faster than using powf

use num_traits::Float;

let x = 2.0;
let abs_difference = (x.powi(2) - x*x).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Raise a number to a floating point power.

use num_traits::Float;

let x = 2.0;
let abs_difference = (x.powf(2.0) - x*x).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Take the square root of a number.

Returns NaN if self is a negative number.

use num_traits::Float;

let positive = 4.0;
let negative = -4.0;

let abs_difference = (positive.sqrt() - 2.0).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Returns e^(self), (the exponential function).

use num_traits::Float;

let one = 1.0;
// e^1
let e = one.exp();

// ln(e) - 1 == 0
let abs_difference = (e.ln() - 1.0).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Returns 2^(self).

use num_traits::Float;

let f = 2.0;

// 2^2 - 4 == 0
let abs_difference = (f.exp2() - 4.0).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Returns the natural logarithm of the number.

use num_traits::Float;

let one = 1.0;
// e^1
let e = one.exp();

// ln(e) - 1 == 0
let abs_difference = (e.ln() - 1.0).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Returns the logarithm of the number with respect to an arbitrary base.

use num_traits::Float;

let ten = 10.0;
let two = 2.0;

// log10(10) - 1 == 0
let abs_difference_10 = (ten.log(10.0) - 1.0).abs();

// log2(2) - 1 == 0
let abs_difference_2 = (two.log(2.0) - 1.0).abs();

assert!(abs_difference_10 < 1e-10);
assert!(abs_difference_2 < 1e-10);

Returns the base 2 logarithm of the number.

use num_traits::Float;

let two = 2.0;

// log2(2) - 1 == 0
let abs_difference = (two.log2() - 1.0).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Returns the base 10 logarithm of the number.

use num_traits::Float;

let ten = 10.0;

// log10(10) - 1 == 0
let abs_difference = (ten.log10() - 1.0).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Returns the maximum of the two numbers.

use num_traits::Float;

let x = 1.0;
let y = 2.0;

assert_eq!(x.max(y), y);

Returns the minimum of the two numbers.

use num_traits::Float;

let x = 1.0;
let y = 2.0;

assert_eq!(x.min(y), x);

The positive difference of two numbers.

  • If self <= other: 0:0
  • Else: self - other
use num_traits::Float;

let x = 3.0;
let y = -3.0;

let abs_difference_x = (x.abs_sub(1.0) - 2.0).abs();
let abs_difference_y = (y.abs_sub(1.0) - 0.0).abs();

assert!(abs_difference_x < 1e-10);
assert!(abs_difference_y < 1e-10);

Take the cubic root of a number.

use num_traits::Float;

let x = 8.0;

// x^(1/3) - 2 == 0
let abs_difference = (x.cbrt() - 2.0).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle given legs of length x and y.

use num_traits::Float;

let x = 2.0;
let y = 3.0;

// sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
let abs_difference = (x.hypot(y) - (x.powi(2) + y.powi(2)).sqrt()).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Computes the sine of a number (in radians).

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f64;

let x = f64::consts::PI/2.0;

let abs_difference = (x.sin() - 1.0).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Computes the cosine of a number (in radians).

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f64;

let x = 2.0*f64::consts::PI;

let abs_difference = (x.cos() - 1.0).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Computes the tangent of a number (in radians).

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f64;

let x = f64::consts::PI/4.0;
let abs_difference = (x.tan() - 1.0).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-14);

Computes the arcsine of a number. Return value is in radians in the range [-pi/2, pi/2] or NaN if the number is outside the range [-1, 1].

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f64;

let f = f64::consts::PI / 2.0;

// asin(sin(pi/2))
let abs_difference = (f.sin().asin() - f64::consts::PI / 2.0).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Computes the arccosine of a number. Return value is in radians in the range [0, pi] or NaN if the number is outside the range [-1, 1].

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f64;

let f = f64::consts::PI / 4.0;

// acos(cos(pi/4))
let abs_difference = (f.cos().acos() - f64::consts::PI / 4.0).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Computes the arctangent of a number. Return value is in radians in the range [-pi/2, pi/2];

use num_traits::Float;

let f = 1.0;

// atan(tan(1))
let abs_difference = (f.tan().atan() - 1.0).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Computes the four quadrant arctangent of self (y) and other (x).

  • x = 0, y = 0: 0
  • x >= 0: arctan(y/x) -> [-pi/2, pi/2]
  • y >= 0: arctan(y/x) + pi -> (pi/2, pi]
  • y < 0: arctan(y/x) - pi -> (-pi, -pi/2)
use num_traits::Float;
use std::f64;

let pi = f64::consts::PI;
// All angles from horizontal right (+x)
// 45 deg counter-clockwise
let x1 = 3.0;
let y1 = -3.0;

// 135 deg clockwise
let x2 = -3.0;
let y2 = 3.0;

let abs_difference_1 = (y1.atan2(x1) - (-pi/4.0)).abs();
let abs_difference_2 = (y2.atan2(x2) - 3.0*pi/4.0).abs();

assert!(abs_difference_1 < 1e-10);
assert!(abs_difference_2 < 1e-10);

Simultaneously computes the sine and cosine of the number, x. Returns (sin(x), cos(x)).

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f64;

let x = f64::consts::PI/4.0;
let f = x.sin_cos();

let abs_difference_0 = (f.0 - x.sin()).abs();
let abs_difference_1 = (f.1 - x.cos()).abs();

assert!(abs_difference_0 < 1e-10);
assert!(abs_difference_0 < 1e-10);

Returns e^(self) - 1 in a way that is accurate even if the number is close to zero.

use num_traits::Float;

let x = 7.0;

// e^(ln(7)) - 1
let abs_difference = (x.ln().exp_m1() - 6.0).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Returns ln(1+n) (natural logarithm) more accurately than if the operations were performed separately.

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f64;

let x = f64::consts::E - 1.0;

// ln(1 + (e - 1)) == ln(e) == 1
let abs_difference = (x.ln_1p() - 1.0).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Hyperbolic sine function.

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f64;

let e = f64::consts::E;
let x = 1.0;

let f = x.sinh();
// Solving sinh() at 1 gives `(e^2-1)/(2e)`
let g = (e*e - 1.0)/(2.0*e);
let abs_difference = (f - g).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Hyperbolic cosine function.

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f64;

let e = f64::consts::E;
let x = 1.0;
let f = x.cosh();
// Solving cosh() at 1 gives this result
let g = (e*e + 1.0)/(2.0*e);
let abs_difference = (f - g).abs();

// Same result
assert!(abs_difference < 1.0e-10);

Hyperbolic tangent function.

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f64;

let e = f64::consts::E;
let x = 1.0;

let f = x.tanh();
// Solving tanh() at 1 gives `(1 - e^(-2))/(1 + e^(-2))`
let g = (1.0 - e.powi(-2))/(1.0 + e.powi(-2));
let abs_difference = (f - g).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1.0e-10);

Inverse hyperbolic sine function.

use num_traits::Float;

let x = 1.0;
let f = x.sinh().asinh();

let abs_difference = (f - x).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1.0e-10);

Inverse hyperbolic cosine function.

use num_traits::Float;

let x = 1.0;
let f = x.cosh().acosh();

let abs_difference = (f - x).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1.0e-10);

Inverse hyperbolic tangent function.

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f64;

let e = f64::consts::E;
let f = e.tanh().atanh();

let abs_difference = (f - e).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1.0e-10);

Returns the mantissa, base 2 exponent, and sign as integers, respectively. The original number can be recovered by sign * mantissa * 2 ^ exponent.

use num_traits::Float;

let num = 2.0f32;

// (8388608, -22, 1)
let (mantissa, exponent, sign) = Float::integer_decode(num);
let sign_f = sign as f32;
let mantissa_f = mantissa as f32;
let exponent_f = num.powf(exponent as f32);

// 1 * 8388608 * 2^(-22) == 2
let abs_difference = (sign_f * mantissa_f * exponent_f - num).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Provided methods

Returns epsilon, a small positive value.

use num_traits::Float;
use std::f64;

let x: f64 = Float::epsilon();

assert_eq!(x, f64::EPSILON);

The default implementation will panic if f32::EPSILON cannot be cast to Self.

Converts radians to degrees.

use std::f64::consts;

let angle = consts::PI;

let abs_difference = (angle.to_degrees() - 180.0).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Converts degrees to radians.

use std::f64::consts;

let angle = 180.0_f64;

let abs_difference = (angle.to_radians() - consts::PI).abs();

assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);

Returns a number composed of the magnitude of self and the sign of sign.

Equal to self if the sign of self and sign are the same, otherwise equal to -self. If self is a NAN, then a NAN with the sign of sign is returned.

use num_traits::Float;

let f = 3.5_f32;

assert_eq!(f.copysign(0.42), 3.5_f32);
assert_eq!(f.copysign(-0.42), -3.5_f32);
assert_eq!((-f).copysign(0.42), 3.5_f32);
assert_eq!((-f).copysign(-0.42), -3.5_f32);


Implementations on Foreign Types
